Homepage / Support / Rent a venue / Chapelle de Boondael

Chapelle de Boondael
Address :
Square du Vieux-Tilleul, 10
1050 Ixelles
Access :

Located in the south of Ixelles, in the heart of the Boondael quarter, this former chapel, which has been desecrated, now hosts exhibitions, concerts and cultural events. Overlooking the square and its 200-year-old lime tree, the chapel is a place in the neighbourhood with a warm and intimate atmosphere.
70 pers.
Possible events
Every day between 9am and midnight, subject to availability.
Location / access
Square du Vieux-Tilleul, 10 – 1050 Ixelles
Municipality of Ixelles – Culture Department
Email : culture@ixelles.brussels
Tel : 02 515 64 63
Technical contact
Philippe Le guével
Email : ixelles.regie@gmail.com
Tel : 0488 80 83 12
William of Hulstbosch (1434-1485) belonged to a family of farmers who had lived in Boondael for a long time. He had a small chapel built in Boondael, at the place called “Borrestichele”. It was enlarged in 1474 so that it could accommodate more people.
At the end of the 15th century, the chapel became the property of the Oath of the Arquebusiers of Brussels.
Like all the houses in the hamlet, it was damaged twice during the Wars of Religion and was restored each time. Enlarged in 1658, the old sanctuary was completely rebuilt in 1842 by Petrus Vandenbranden and his assistants. A diamond-shaped plaque on the façade mentions the main changes that had taken place: “Aedif 1463” (year of the first construction), “Auct 1658” (year of the enlargement) and “Reaedif 1842” (year of the construction of the present building).
The present chapel was the parish church of the hamlet until 1941, when the church of St Adrian was consecrated. Inside, the bricks laid at different times have been exposed and remineralized to prevent them from crumbling.
Stage depth:
Height under stage grid:
Height of stage frame :
Stage height:
Stone floor (black shade)
7.35 m rounded back wall
irregular side walls 4.40 m
5,10 m
0,39 m
14,5 m
0,39 m
Dressing room and facilities
Dressing room (4 m²) with WC
Kitchen with fridge and sink next to the stage in the courtyard
Technical equipment
List on request
Additional equipment
4 tables
4 side tables
95 chairs
FOR A CONCERT OR A SHOWRoom occupancy, per dayThis fee includes the occupation of the room and basic equipment as well as the presence of a room manager for a period of 8 hours, between 9am and midnight. |
600€ |
FOR AN EXHIBITIONSetting up and dismantling (2 days)This fee includes the occupation of the room and basic equipment as well as the presence of a room manager for a period of 8 hours during two days. During the exhibition, autonomous occupation, per dayThis fee includes the autonomous occupation of the room and basic equipment without the presence of a room manager, per day. |
390€ |
Additional costs
Overtime per hour, minimum 2 hoursExceeding the time limit may not be considered as implicit authorisation to continue the activity beyond the time limit agreed in the occupation agreement. |
75€ |
Tuning and use of the piano, per service |
80€ |
Use of the video projector (2000 lumens), per service |
100€ |
– Non-profit organisations with their registered office in Ixelles – Schools located on the territory of the municipality |
25 %*On the cost of occupying the hall, excluding equipment |
– Inhabitants of Ixelles – Municipal staff |
10 %*On the cost of occupying the hall, excluding equipment |
– Municipal services |
Free |