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Season XXX – Salon d’Automne : Artists and Designers in Dialogue, Group Show

Category : Exhibitions
Next date : 20/09/2024 > 17/11/2024
Place : Spazio Nobile Gallery, Contemporary Applied Arts
Rue Franz Merjay, 142
1050 Ixelles

Season XXX – Salon d’Automne : Artists and Designers in Dialogue, Group Show With Jörg Bräuer, Pierre Charrié, Sébastien Caporusso, Florence Coenraets, Marie Corbin, Mae Engelgeer, Vincent Fournier, Foyer Brisé, Ernst Gamperl, Éva Garcia, Garnier & Linker, Audrey Guimard, Kaspar Hamacher, Pao Hui Kao, Katherine Huskie, Åsa Jungnelius, Liu Chien Kuang, Isaac Monté, Mathieu Peyroulet, Päivi Rintaniemi, Bela Silva, Jonathan Soulié, Piet Stockmans, Jacqueline Surdell, Ann Beate Tempelhaug, Kiki van Eijk, Frederik Vercruysse, Vera Vermeersch, Fabian von Spreckelsen, Fabian von Spreckelsen, Quentin Vuong, Philipp Weber

Opening Thursday 19 September 2024 from 18:00 till 21:00
Date 20/09/2024 > 17/11/2024

monday: closed
tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday and saturday: from 11:00 to 18:00
sunday: closed
Place Spazio Nobile Gallery, Contemporary Applied Arts
Rue Franz Merjay, 142
1050 Ixelles
Information and Reservations
Phone : +32 475 53 19 88
Email :
nl fr en
Organised by

Spazio Nobile Gallery, Contemporary Applied Arts