The show in creation : NIKIPI
Two companions enter the scene. One carries wooden planks, the other puts them on the ground; they move forward, walking in precarious balance on these wooden planks. You must not lean, nor fall!
Where do these strange characters come from? What are they doing with their planks? An atypical journey? A quest for balance? They traffic their pieces of wood; they play on it, under it or inside it. They create ephemeral constructions, playgrounds conducive to their fanciful and poetic universe.
NIKIPI is a sensory journey towards a quest for balance. A story about building and being built.
Target audience : For children aged 2,5 to 5
The theater company :
The Cie le Vent qui parle is a theater company for young and very young audiences. In June 2022, it organized the Sauterelles Festival for the first time. This festival for young and very young audiences takes place in 3 farms in the region of Soignies.
Partnership & support :
With the support of the FWB (creation aid), the Bourse un Futur pour la Culture, the Loterie Nationale, the Centre Culturel de Namur, the Maison de la Culture de Marche en Famenne, the Centre Culturel d’Eghezée, the Centre Culturel de Braine-le-Comte, the Wollubilis, the Centre Culturel de Perwez, the Roseraie and the Petit Théâtre Mercelis

In residence from 24/04/23 until 28/04/23
Facebook : @leventquiparle