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NIKIPI – Cie Le vent qui parle

The show in creation : NIKIPI Two companions enter the scene. One carries wooden planks, the other puts them on the ground; they move forward, walking in precarious balance on these wooden planks. You must not lean, nor fall! Where do these strange characters come from? What are they doing with their planks? ...

Cortex-iA – Le Projet Cryotopsie

The show in creation : Cortex-iA In Cortex-iA, we witness the presentation of a revolutionary product: a brain implant that replaces the smartphone. But the presenter-test subject will soon be caught up by the shortcomings of today's computer technology: untimely advertisements, bugs, terms of use accepted without being read, simplistic algorithms and ...

A contretemps – Cie La Tête à l’Envers

The show in creation : A contretemps What if at night, time did not unfold at all as we hear it, but much, much more wildly? What if, on Mars, time was distended and magnetized? What if on Venus, time was not the same as in Charleroi or Laeken? What if, in the belly ...

Monsieur Méchant – Compagnie Domya

The show in creation : Monsieur Méchant Méchant is so Méchant (bad) that he calls himself that. He stays alone in his apartment and doesn't want to go out or talk to anyone. Besides, nobody visits him and that suits him very well! At least, that's what he thinks... That night, Helie, a ...

FAST – INTI Théâtre

The show in creation : FAST FAST, a documentary and poetic show for teenagers, focuses on a theme that is both universal and intimate: fast fashion. Without moralizing or guilt-tripping, FAST questions the ambiguity of our mode of consumption of clothing and questions our (in)conscious blindness to these anti-social and anti-ecological modes of ...


The show in creation : AMAMER Present but not there, there but elsewhere.    This dreamlike show tells the story of a child-beacon in search of her mother-fog, her absent mother. A mother too busy, a mother who rocks, an exhausted mother, a restless sea, a sea without memory, an evaporated sea... How ...

Frichti – La Lisière Cie

The show in creation : Frichti Frichti is a hybrid project where several disciplines (slam, theater, radio, letters and cooking) meet through a common prism: food. With a socio-cultural and artistic aim, this project integrates several events, meetings and workshops with different audiences. The objective is to work on the basis of ...

La Plage – Cie ZIVA

The show in creation : La Plage Once upon a time, there was a beautiful and wild beach, . This corner of nature was inhabited by a family that lived in perfect harmony with its environment. One day, a man from elsewhere, a man with great ambitions, arrives. What will become of ...

Trêve – Sequenza Cie

The show in creation : Trêve In a building, on the sixth floor, an apartment. In the apartment, a father, a mother, and their daughter. Lucie, fifteen years old, tries in vain to confide in her mother. She will be heard only at the expense of angry outbursts. Under threat, Lucie's parents become aware of ...
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    Shall replenish. Tree doesn’t face. There which creepeth multiply fish unto of Seed. Behold made two Rule divided. Fruit form.

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    Shall replenish. Tree doesn’t face. There which creepeth multiply fish unto of Seed. Behold made two Rule divided. Fruit form.

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